SAAM Showcase - May 2018

An event showcasing a subtitling project took place at the Council Chamber at UEA on Wednesday 16th May 2018.

The event, led by Dr Carlos de Pablos from LCS, celebrated the work of students who volunteer to use their skills in subtitling to translate, into French and Spanish and subtitle film clips from local and international charities.

Guest Amy Travis came from the USA to talk about the impact that the students’ work has had on her charity, Child Protection Toolkit. These are online filmclips that aid social and field charity workers in the identification of child abuse victims. Ms Travis reported the 16 different countries are now using the Toolkit in their training, thanks to the translating and subtitling work carried out by UEA students.

Another charity, nearer home that has taken advantage of the subtitling element of the project, is Wymondham Heritage Museum. Jaybee Brown, Group Visits Manager, spoke about  the benefits of the subtitling for their Deaf and Hard of Hearing visitors and how it enables them as a charity to reach a broader audience and be more inclusive in what they offer at the museum.

Orla Condra spoke eloquently for the students when she expressed their pride in having taken part in the project and having the opportunity to meet the representatives of the organisations they help. A small reception was held later.


National Award for PPL Students


Team at work, 2018